Tamarindus Indica 10/100 Seeds, Tamarind Fruit Ornamental Tree, Edible Medicinal Herb

The Plant Attraction


Tamarindus Indica
Also known as: Tamarind

Here is a large beautiful tree widely planted in the tropics and subtropics not only for its fruits, but also as an ornamental shade tree. The flower buds are distinctly pink. The small one inch flowers that are born in small racemes, end up a pale yellow and streaked with red or orange. When the tree is in full bloom, the flowers give a yellowish color to the tree. The bright green, pinnate foliage is dense and feathery in appearance, making it very attractive. It is truly stunning to observe this tree up close.

The tamarind tree produces edible, pod-like fruit which are used extensively in cuisines around the world. The fruits are thick, rough pods that are 4 to 13 cm long and usually curved. Each pod contains 1 to 10 seeds embedded in a brown, sticky, fibrous edible pulp. The pulp has a pleasing sweet/sour flavor and is high in both acid and sugar. It is also rich in vitamin B and high in calcium. The fruit pulp is the richest known natural source of tartaric acid (8 to 18%) and is the main acidulant (i.e., food additive used to increase tartness or acidity) used in the preparation of foods in India. It is an essential ingredient in Worcestershire sauce, and is also around 8% rich in protein.

Other uses include traditional medicine and metal polish. The wood can be used in carpentry. Because of the Tamarind's many uses, cultivation has spread around the world.
They are slow-growing, long-lived, evergreen trees that under optimum conditions can grow 80 feet high with a spread of 20 to 35 ft., in its native origin of eastern Africa and Asia. However, in Southern California it seldom reaches more than 15 to 25 ft. in height. Tamarinds tolerate a great diversity of soil types but do best in deep, well drained soils which are slightly acidic. It will tolerant salt spray and can be planted fairly near the seashore. It is highly wind-resistant with strong, supple branches.
Young trees are very susceptible to frost, but mature trees will withstand brief periods of 28° F without serious injury.

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