Succulent Care
Are succulent cuttings rooted?
Cuttings are not rooted, they are cut from a plant, so you would need them to scab over, and then you can propagate. If you are looking for ones already to transplant, then go with the potted succulents.
How often should I water my succulents? (Overwatering, Underwatering, Tips)
DON’T OVERWATER YOUR PLANTS….THEY WILL DIE☠️!! Water only when the soil is dry! Don’t water if the soil is wet! If it takes 2 weeks for the soil to dry, then water in 2 weeks. If it takes 2 days for the soil to dry, then you can water in 2 days!
Succulents should be watered generously in the summer as described above, BUT soil should be allowed to completely dry between watering!! . During the winter, when the plants go dormant, cut watering back to once a month. Overwatering and ensuing plant rot is the single most common cause of plant failure. Be aware, though, that an overwatered succulent might at first plump up and look very healthy. However, the cause of death may have already set in underground, with rot spreading upward from the root system. A succulent should never be allowed to sit in water. They love water but hate to swim! Do not keep them in trays as the excess water can cause them to rot.
Overwatering - Overwatered plants are soft and discolored. The leaves may be yellow or white and lose their color. A plant in this condition may be beyond repair, but you can still remove it from its pot and inspect the roots. If they are brown and rotted, cut away dead roots and repot into drier potting media. Orr take a cutting and propagate the parent plant.
Underwatering - Succulents prefer generous water during the growing season (spring and summer). An underwatered plant will first stop growing, then begin to shed leaves. Succulents are not cactus. They will begin to show stress, withered, droopy leaves etc. Alternatively, the plant may develop brown spots on the leaves. A good drink will plump them up. It’s always a good idea to contact your local Cactus & Succulent Society/Club for specific information related to your exact area.
***IF you live in a humid climate, this needs to be taken in to consideration when watering. Upon arrival and evermore, do not over soak your plants, water a bit and do not water again until the plant and soil is all the way dry to the bottom of the pot. ROT is the #1 killer of succulents~ they prefer being under watered vs. over watered!!***
Other Tips - ⚠️DO NOT use a spray bottle/MISTER to spray your succulents/cactus!!! It does them no good and only causes fungal and rot problems. Succulents and cactus do not like or need moist and humid conditions. They need a good and thorough drink of water all the way through and then nothing! No matter how much you want to water them, spray them, don’t until soil is dry again! I can’t say this enough! Succulents are not houseplants or flowers that need constant water. They allow you to relax and forget about them for awhile! This is the number one problem people have, please don’t waste your money and kill your plants by overwatering, or underwatering with just a spray bottle. Overwatering and humidity are a recipe for disaster!!
Regarding watering, succulents do enjoy water a bit more than their pokey/prickly cousins the cactus. Be observant. If something looks wrong, stop your current pattern of watering, reread this, and email us, Succulents and cactus are so easy to grow and so hard to kill. Your succulents and cactus should outlive you either directly or with all of their cuttings and pups!!!
Water care for succulent cuttings
Should I water my cuttings right away - NO, we recommend not watering them for the first 2 weeks or you are risking rot! You should plant them in well draining cactus type soil, not woody houseplant soil that does the opposite of holding moisture in. Another option is just leaving them on a tray in the shade for a couple of weeks and often many of them will begin rooting on their own. Once you begin to water, make sure you allow the soil to dry between watering, just as you should with fully rooted/potted succulents. Water when soil is dry, never water when soil is wet! This rooting process may take approx. 2 to 6 weeks before fully established, but in our growing houses, with experience, proper heat, soil, watering and TLC etc. they are often ready in 2 weeks.. (see how often to water below)
How often should I water them - Succulents love water, but only when their soil is dry! During the winter months, you can cut back on watering but play it by appearance. If your succulent/s are looking a little wilted/thirsty, give them some water. When watering, always do it thoroughly all the way through to the bottom. Watering the top inch or less does very little good. Do not mist your cuttings either, these are not houseplants and they do not do as well in humid conditions.
Lighting Needs
If in a home, succulents prefer bright light, such as on a south-facing window. Watch the leaves for indications that the light level is correct. Some species will scorch if suddenly exposed to direct sunlight. The leaves will turn brown or white as the plant bleaches out and the soft tissues are destroyed. Alternatively, an under lit succulent will begin to stretch, with an elongated stem and widely spaced leaves. This condition is known as etoliation. The solution is to provide better light and prune the plant back to its original shape. Many kinds of succulents will thrive outdoors in the summer. It’s a good idea to contact your local Cactus & Succulent Society/Club for specific info related to your exact area.
Should I put them in sunlight right away or keep them in a dark place?
NO! and yes…this is the tricky part as we don’t want you to sunburn your plants. It doesn’t happen often but because we do so many events, we want to be very proactive here!! These are greenhouse grown succulents. They need to be acclimated to sunlight gradually. Keep them in the shade or indirect sunlight, especially prior to a wedding or other event and slowly introduce them to direct sun. If you put them under the sun right away, for too long, you may burn your new plants! We are NOT responsible for sunburned plants. With all this being said, direct sunlight will not hurt them as long as it is in moderation. Think of them as new born babies!
Succulents want light! No dark garages, basements, rooms w/ no windows etc. If your succulent/s are in poor lighting, they will quickly begin to stretch out seeking better lighting, this is called etiolation. Etiolation
So find the balance between the 2 extremes!
What kind of temperatures do they need/like? It gets hot/cold here.🌡
Succulents are much more cold-tolerant than many people assume. As in the desert, where there is often a marked contrast between night and day, succulents thrive in colder nights, down to even 40ºF. Ideally, succulents prefer daytime temperatures between 70ºF and about 85ºF and nighttime temperatures between 50ºF and 55ºF.
Freezing temperatures can damage and/or destroy your succulents. We don’t recommend any of our succulents being left outside in freezing temps.🥶
Extremely hot temperatures with direct sunlight and lack of water can all damage and or destroy your succulents. A little shade can make all the difference. Direct sunlight can also effect the coloring of your succulents, making some of them brighter, redder etc. It can also fade the coloring on some.
It’s always a smart idea to contact your local Cactus & Succulent Society/Club for specific information related to your specific area.
What kind of potting soil should I use?
Succulents should be potted in a fast-draining mixture that’s designed for cacti and succulents. If you don’t have access to a specialized mix, considering modifying a normal potting mix with an inorganic agent like perlite to increase aeration and drainage. These plants generally have shallow roots that form a dense mat just under the soil surface. Also, contact your local Cactus & Succulent Society/Club for specific information related to your exact area. If transferring into small containers, any soil will work but be extra careful with watering!
How does Humidity effect succulents and cactus?
Succulents do not like humidity as it can lead to fungal problems which end in rot and your plant losing leaves and often dying. If you have recently watered your succulents and it is humid or raining outside, please consider moving to a dry area with minimal humidity (inside) especially if these will be used for an event. Wet soil and humid air are a bad combo for succulents as it does not allow the soil to dry out properly and quickly!
Should I Fertilize my succulents?
During the summer growing season, carefully fertilize as you would with other houseplants. Caution though, you can damage or destroy your succulents by feeding them improperly. Stop fertilizing entirely during the winter. Again, it’s always smart to contact your local Cactus & Succulent Society/Club for specific information related to your exact area and soil conditions.
My succulent is dying. There’s a dead leaf or two on it!
Succulents naturally lose their outer leaves/petals as they grow. Some will simply begin to shrivel up while other types may turn a translucent color and fall off as well. If there are some shriveled or unpleasant leaves/petals on your plant, just simply and gently remove them! Toss them in the trash! But… succulents do not naturally lose their top or center leaves. These are their fresh growth areas.
How long will my cuttings look fresh?
Succulent cuttings will gradually begin to look worse before looking better as they no longer have any roots to bring in nutrients and hydrate. As soon as roots begin to form (approx 2-6 weeks), cuttings will begin to fill back with moisture and grow again. Many factors play into this - the thickness/thinness of succulent leaves/petals, temps, heat, when they are placed in soil to name a few. If using cuttings for an event, we recommend they arrive 4-5 days prior for best quality.
I broke off a piece of my plant. What do I do?
Sometimes the broken pieces can be replanted and sometimes not, all depending on the plant. Please watch the video for helpful tips!
My succulents are not PERFECT. They have some imperfections!
This is for the rare and loud customer that uses a microscope to inspect and approve each petal on each plant and then still complain after the fact that their $1.80 succulent is not perfect and overpriced! I’m not sure if there is such a thing as a perfect succulent in the sense that they are not grown individually in test tubes separated from all elements of life. Succulents are beautiful simply because they can have imperfections and still be awesome. Just like people! Please don’t confuse this with our policy on actual damaged plants. We stand by our belief that 99.9% of the 1000′s we ship weekly will arrive safe and sound, minus the occasional soil displacement.
Do succulents change colors?
Yes, succulents and cactus can change colors throughout the year based on multiple factors such as length of day, heat, water, fertilizer, soil etc. Some succulents look vibrant during certain months and other times can look more dull. Some months they may be more green with other months/factors bringing out more colors and hues on the edges. "Stressing" a succulent can sometimes increase and or cause brighter hues. Stressing is done by exposing a succulent to extreme sun and minimal water. Be careful not to burn. This does not work on all types.
When do they flower / bloom?
Succulents and cactus flower at different times of the year. Some of the blooms are simple and basic, while other blooms reach high into the air attracting insects and hummingbirds!
Are they good for a walkway? 👣
Some succulents make good plants between rocks, flagstone and other landscaping material. As an example, Sempervivums grow low to the ground, are soft, and produce pups that will fill in cracks and crevices. This being said, not too many succulents can handle direct weight from people walking on them.