Capparis Decidua 10 Seeds, Karira Edible Bare Caper Vining Shrub Small Tree

The Plant Attraction


Capparis decidua
Also known as: Karira, Bare Caper

Here is a small much-branched tree or vining shrub native to arid and tropical regions of Asia, Africa, and Saudi Arabia. It rarely exceeds a height of 16 feet and bears a mass of slender, gray-green leafless branches with paired thorns. The small caducous leaves being found only on young shoots. The new flush of leaves appears in Novemberā€“January. Pink/red colored conspicuous flowers appear in March to April and Augustā€“September and fruits ripe by May and October. The pink fleshy berries are readily eaten by birds. It coppices well and produces root suckers freely.

The spicy fruit and young buds can be eaten raw or used for preparing vegetables, curry and fine pickles. The plant also is used in folk medicine and herbalism. It can be used in landscape gardening, afforestation and reforestation in semidesert and desert areas. It provides assistance against soil erosion, is extremely drought-resistant and withstands neglect. It prefers full sun and can be grown in large pots in cold regions. Tolerates some frost, hardy to a few degrees below freezing. USDA Zone 9-11

This offer is for 10 seeds.

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