Musa Aurantiaca Var. Jengingensis 5 Seeds, Rare Dwarf Ornamental Banana

The Plant Attraction


Musa Aurantiaca Var. Jengingensis

This sub-species variety is accepted, and its native range is in Arunachal Pradesh, India. It was named after Jenging, the local village where it was originally found growing wild in the wet temperate forest. The charm of this plant is in the rich orange color of the buds, bracts, and flowers, as well as its smaller size.
The mature pseudostem is slender, stoloniferous, yellow green in
color with black blotches, and will reach 1 +/- meter. It has clumping habits, and many suckers will emerge very close to the mother plant. The male buds will disappear before the fruits reach maturity. Fruit does not reflex, sub sessile, not edible, skin watery green in color and glabrous in nature.
Seeds are warty, dull black in color and small.
Cold hardiness and USDA zone is unknown to us.
NOTE: As with all Musa, germination times vary from 3 months to 9 months. Not all will come up at the same time.

This offer is for 5 seeds.

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