FertALive | Liquid Humic Acid Fertilizer

Southland Organics


FertALive is a humic acid fertilizer for professional-level lawn and garden care. Based on Chilean nitrate, PSBs, KSBs and liquid carbon, our stable and organic liquid humic concentrate provides a reliable source of nutrients, enhances conventional fertility programs and helps lawns and gardens reach their full potential.

Benefits of FertALive:

  • Delivers highly effective nutrition to lawns, gardens and crops
  • Prompts increased nutrient uptake
  • Induces fast-acting uniform growth
  • Enhances conventional fertility programs
  • Includes liquid carbon and beneficial microbes
  • Improves availability of plant nutritional elements

👉 With these three secret ingredients, plants develop deeper roots, retain water, resist disease and pests and become lush and healthy. Our soil amendments are a vital portion of a well-crafted turf program. Business owners will increase their results and experience less stress with more profits. Homeowners will grow beautiful lawns and gardens with no harmful chemicals.

Q: What is the shelf life?

A: This product has an 18-month shelf life.

Q: Is this product safe for my kids, pets, animals or livestock to be around? Even if animals eat the grass?

A: Absolutely! Our products are all-natural and completely harmless for kids, pets, animals and livestock to be around. 🐄🐈😃

Q: How much does a sprayer quart cover?

A: Walking at a quick pace, our sprayer quart will cover up to 4,000 square feet.

Q: I purchased a sprayer quart. Do I have to use all of the product at once?

A: You have to use it all at once. The bacteria will activate and they will start to "bloom." This will produce A LOT of methane in the container, and it will swell and burst. The great thing is that you cannot over apply it. The more concentrated the better!

Q: Can I apply your product with chemical fertilizer?

A: No, FertALive should not be applied with other fertilizer products. The added nitrogen will likely burn the plants and kill them. Our lawn and garden products based on microbes, organic acids and carbon can be applied with chemical fertilizer: Jump Start, Ultimate Tea, Genesis, Omega, Revival and Ignition. While they do contain all 72 micronutrients, they are not considered fertilizers and will not burn the plants.

Applying FertALive Alone

Apply FertALive in the summer when it begins to get warm—around May through June, depending on where you live.

Southland Organics Sprayer Quart Instructions

If you're using the Southland Organics sprayer quart:

Insert the straw into the black sprayer nozzle. Attach the nozzle to the sprayer quart bottle of FertALive. Attach your hose to the sprayer nozzle, and turn on your water. Turn the dial on the sprayer nozzle to "mix," and the sprayer will automatically dilute the product to the proper ratio. Spray in even strokes, saturating your grass with the mixture. A full quart should take about 3 minutes and cover approximately 1,000 square feet.

If you're using your own sprayer:

Assemble your sprayer as directed by the manufacturer. Pour FertALive the reservoir. Turn the dilution dial to 3/4 ounce or 1.5 tablespoons (depending on which unit is used on your sprayer). Spray in even strokes, saturating your grass with the mixture. A full quart of product will cover approximately 1,000 square feet.

Shipping & Returns for this product:

  • This item ships directly from our supplier, choice of carrier is not optional. Supplier will ship item(s) per their discretion. 
  • Due to the frequency of how often our supplier processes orders, we are not able to edit or cancel an order once it has been completed. Please double check your order prior to submitting it.
  • For more details on returns please visit the full return policy at the very bottom of this page.

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